I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am to announce the release of my new Single and Music Video "We Ain't Going Nowhere"! It's been an absolute whirlwind of emotions for Am Yisroel these last few months but one thing I know is forsure.. We are a beautiful people and I couldn't be more blessed to be apart of this Nation! "We're beautiful and strong and we've been knocked down but not a single time have I seen us drop the crown" is one of my lyrics from this song. We've definitely been knocked down but what came after that might have been the most beautiful display of Unity, Love and Kindness I have ever seen. People were running to take care of Humans they have never met. They were ready to literally give the clothes off their back, the beds in their homes and most importantly their Heart, Soul and Unconditional Love to other jews who so desperately needed them. We are a Mamleches Kohanim. We got the CREATOR in our Corner. We're gonna continue to spread Light and Positivity in the world cuz that's who we are down to our very core. And we sure as Hell Aint Going Nowhere. Am Yisroel Chai 💙🤍

I am so excited about the release of my new single "If you go I'll follow". It's been a process that I've put my heart & soul and a ton of life's beautiful and painful experiences into. The production and overall layout of the song is also a new territory for me and I'm just very excited for you guys to hear it and I hope it resonates with you on some level. If you enjoy the song please share it to a family member or friend who you think might connect to it❤️ LUV YALL!!

EZZI Debut Album
The third of seven children, EZZI tries to capture the joy and simplicity of an idealistic LA childhood and transpose it on to the complexities of modern young adulthood, weaving together the simple and the complicated into a unique, energising sound.
“What makes us different is what makes us unique” says EZZI, “but that uniqueness has the ability to make one feel separate and alone. Channeling those feelings into productive and affirming motivators is really the goal of my music. Bringing that satisfaction with one’s self, and making people feel comfortable in their own skin, regardless of who they are, where they come from, or what they've been through is really the goal of my music, and what I’m trying to accomplish as an artist.”
“In my music, a common theme is rising above life’s challenges. We’re all so different, and yet so alike. Everyone goes through these challenges to some extent, and being able to find that internal drive, that confidence in the darkest times is what transforms us into who we can become.”
With musical styles effortlessly ranging from Hip Hop and R&B to Pop and Power Ballads, EZZI always seems comfortable in his own skin. Nowhere is this more readily apparent than on his newest LP, “Childhood Dreams”, which includes the fan favorites “Summer Eyes”, “City of Broken Angels”, “Lonely” and “Better Days”, and each in their own musical style.
EZZI’s unique sound and energy owes itself to the convergence of influences of modern Hip Hop greats like Drake and Post Malone, while also having Pop influences from the likes of Lany and Lauv, all with the inspired focus, drive and self affirmation of his Jewish heritage. “My religion is hugely important to me as a person and as an artist, and is really one of the main driving forces of my goal of bringing light into people’s lives, especially those who need that light the most.”